Bird Identification Guides
How to Identify Bald Eagles, Young and Old
Late one December I found myself among a loose aggregation of birders standing by a…
Hawks in an Eagle Nest
While no one is quite sure how it happened, a tiny red-tailed hawk turned up…
Sparrows on the Move—Maybe to Your Backyard!
“Who will love a little Sparrow / Who’s travelled far and cries for rest?” It’s…
The Small Miracle of Nesting Piping Plovers
If you’ve ever wondered what a one-day old piping plover chick looks like, here’s your…
Identify Yourself: Warbler-Palooza!
Looking at warblers specifically, the western-breeding species tend to winter mostly in Mexico, whereas the…
Two Thumbs Up for “Monty and Rose”
I’ve been looking forward to curling up with my laptop and watching Monty and Rose—a…
Regional Guides
Theodore Roosevelt National Park: North Dakota’s Hidden Gem
In September 1883, a tired and dispirited young man stepped off a westbound train into…
Breeding Bird Survey: Spring Count in North Dakota
Every spring, about two thousand volunteers spread out across North America to count birds for…
Birding Custer State Park
“Where can we find three-toed and black-backed woodpeckers?” We were at Custer State Park, South…
Seeking South Dakota’s Birds
Prior to 2004 I’d never been to South Dakota, but that year a series of…
North Dakota State of Mind
When bird watchers die (or, as my dad would say, shoot through), they must go…
South Dakota Bird Watching
Birding South Dakota

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