Common Goldeneye
Look For The common goldeneye is a medium-sized, large-headed diving duck with a spectacular eponymous yellow eye visible even from […]
Look For The common goldeneye is a medium-sized, large-headed diving duck with a spectacular eponymous yellow eye visible even from […]
Look For The greater white-fronted goose is a medium-sized waterfowl with a plumage that is mostly grayish-brown. It has a
Greater White-fronted Goose Read More »
What Does a Tundra Swan Look Like? The tundra swan is a large waterfowl that is the most common swan
What Does a Hooded Merganser Look Like? Of the three mergansers—ducks with narrow, serrated bills—the hooded merganser is the smallest
Look For A medium-sized diving duck named for its deep rust-red head. The male redhead’s black breast contrasts with a
Look For The white crown stripe of the male American wigeon has earned this species the nickname “baldpate.” This field
Look For The black duck is a medium-sized dabbling duck with a dark charcoal body. Males and females are very
American Black Duck Read More »
From a distance the northern shoveler looks like a mallard with a big nose. It’s this bird’s large, shovel-like bill
Look for The male wood duck takes its colorful plumage to an extreme. In breeding plumage, it has a green
Its bill is three-toned: The tip is black, followed by a white band, then much gray, then a white border
Pintails forage much like mallards – dipping forward to nibble aquatic vegetation, seeds, and insects. Much-liked by hunters, pintails are
The male mallard has a green head and yellow bill. It’s easily recognizable, but female mallards—with their overall dark brown