Regional and International Travel Guides
Discover the best North American and global
destinations for incredible birdwatching experiences.
Guides for North America
Virginia Birding by Season: Fall
Fall birds of Virginia (September, October, November) Fall begins slowly in Virginia. The shorebirds, on the move at the coast since mid-August,…
Birding Southwest USA
From snow-capped mountains of Colorado, to the lowest elevation on the continent—Death Valley, redwood trees near the Pacific coast, saguaro cactus and…
Birding in Ecuador: An Overview
Birding in Ecuador Biodiversity is concentrated in Ecuador, one of the birdiest countries in the world. Although slightly smaller than Nevada, 1,638…
Olompali State Historic Park, California
Hiding in Plain Sight! One of California’s best kept secrets is the Olompali State Historic Park. If you’re zipping north and south…
10 Highlight Birds of Tennessee
American woodcock, photo by Wikimedia Commons 1. American woodcock The American woodcock is a short-legged, short-tailed, dumpy-looking bird with no apparent neck…
Birds of North Carolina: Winter
Winter Birds of North Carolina (December, January, February) Though many people think of winter as “downtime” for birders, it really isn’t so….
Invitation to a Dance: Visiting Leks in Nebraska
A raccoon suddenly loomed in the headlight beams of my rental car. The animal was casually ambling down the centerline, surrounded by…
Missouri Bird Watching
Birding Missouri Welcome to Missouri, the “Show me State,” and to a great range of birding opportunities. Few states offer the wide…
Introduction to Bird Watching in Virginia
Virginians take pride in their history, a long and rich tradition going back to the first English settlement at Jamestown in 1607. …
International Guides
Birding Panama: Canopy Tower and Canopy Lodge
Canopy Tower At Canopy Tower, just a 30-minute drive from bustling downtown Panama City, you’re apt to be awakened by howler monkeys….
The Discovery That Led to the Creation of Jocotoco
In November 1997, an incredible finding ignited a conservation movement. Twenty years later, its founders retell their stories and motivations. The coronation…
Introduction to the Neotropics—a Winter Trip to Trinidad and Tobago
Introduction Wake up to the calls of barred antshrikes, ferruginous pygmy-owls, blue-crowned motmots. Step out onto the porch of your cabin and…
International Birding
About 1,000 bird species reside or have been documented in North America, but there are roughly 10,000 bird species in the world!…
Birding in Ecuador: An Overview
Birding in Ecuador Biodiversity is concentrated in Ecuador, one of the birdiest countries in the world. Although slightly smaller than Nevada, 1,638…
Birding the Valencia Region of Spain
Great Bustard photo by David Warrington/Valencia Birding Many people throughout the world know Spain for its rich culture and history, gastronomy, and…
Travel Allows for Better Birding
The Travel Mindset Tikal, Guatemala: Travel in the late 1980s was a different experience than the beaten path that exists now. Jolting…
Trinidad & Tobago
Introduction to the Neotropics—a Winter Trip to Trinidad and Tobago Introduction Wake up to the calls of barred antshrikes, ferruginous pygmy-owls, blue-crowned…
Travel Right, Bird More
The Travel Mindset Tikal, Guatemala: Travel in the late 1980s was a different experience than the beaten path that exists now. Jolting…

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