Birding in Ecuador
Biodiversity is concentrated in Ecuador, one of the birdiest countries in the world. Although slightly smaller than Nevada, 1,638 bird species can be found in Ecuador, including 36 endemics; and many more regional endemics. The Galapagos Islands, famous for unique wildlife, are 600 miles west of the mainland in the Pacific Ocean, and are a province of Ecuador. The country straddles the equator, extending from 2 degrees north latitude to 5 degrees south. Ecuador is considered biologically megadiverse, resulting not only from its tropical location, but from its diverse topography. It claims more than 1,400 miles of Pacific shoreline bordered by coastal lowlands; a volcano exceeding 20,000 feet in elevation, and numerous other volcanoes and snow-capped mountains in the Andes range that are nearly as tall; Amazonian jungle; and, of course, the Galapagos Islands. Birders have been flocking to Ecuador for decades—for good reason—and eco-lodges abound throughout the country.

Birding Hotspots in Ecuador
Central Napo River Area
- Sani Lodge – 562 species
- Sacha Lodge – 557 species
- La Selva Lodge – 526 species
- Napo Wildlife Center – 514
- Reserva Biologica Limoncocha – 480 species
Western Amazon/Eastern Cordillera
- Wild Sumaco Lodge – 540 species
- Gareno Lodge – 485 species
- Cabanas San Isidro – 482 species
- Jatun Sacha Biological Station – 449 species
Southeastern Ecuador
- Kapawi Lodge – 512 species
Amazon Basin/Yasuni National Park
- Tiputini Biodiversity – 498 species
- Shiripuno Lodge – 493 species
- Yasuni Biological Research Station – 447 species
- Parque National Yasuni – 443 species
Mindo Valley Area
- San Jorge de Milpe – 472 species
- Mindo general area – 451 species
- Milpe Bird Sanctuary –450 species
Southern Ecuador
- Parque Nationale Podocarpus – 447 species
- Cabanas Yankuam and Tepui Trail – 437 species1