
Marsh Wren | Photo: Cephas/Wikimedia

Marsh Wren

More often than not, marsh wrens are heard before they are seen—if they’re seen at all. Unlike their close counterpart the sedge wren, marsh wrens prefer to build their nests and live within the cattails and bulrush—common marsh grasses. Commonly confused with sedge wrens, marsh wrens have larger bodies, longer bills, a prominent white eyebrow […]

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Sedge Wren | Photo: Wikimedia

Sedge Wren

Formerly called the short-billed marsh wren, the sedge wren nests in thick, tangled areas of sedges and grasses in overgrown fields, near ponds and lakes, and in marshes—but not cattails. Characteristics that distinguish sedge wrens from other wren species include its habitat preferences; its size; its short, thin bill; and its distinctive song. Look for

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