Thrushes & Allies

Veery by Cephas / Wikimedia


Look for The veery is a small, spot-breasted thrush. It is the rustiness of the eastern thrushes, with reddish-brown upperparts, a white belly, and pale gray flanks. Its breast is a pale yellowish-white with diffuse brown spotting that fades as it reaches its belly—the weakest breast spotting among eastern thrushes. It has a stout stature, […]

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Swainson's thrush at Magee Marsh, Ohio by D. Faulkner / Wikimedia

Swainson’s Thrush

Look For Swainson’s thrush was once called the olive-backed thrush. The name changed in part because some Swainson’s thrush populations have brownish backs and also because the olive-like tone seen in others—which varies with light conditions—is much like that of gray-cheeked, Bicknell’s, and hermit thrushes. These species, however, lack the Swainson’s buff-colored eye ring, lores,

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