Sparrows on the Move—Maybe to Your Backyard!
It’s that time of year when this Simon & Garfunkel lyric pops into my head, and my eyes start combing […]
Sparrows on the Move—Maybe to Your Backyard! Read More »
It’s that time of year when this Simon & Garfunkel lyric pops into my head, and my eyes start combing […]
Sparrows on the Move—Maybe to Your Backyard! Read More »
Look for The Savannah sparrow is a small bird with a grayish-brown upperparts with crisp, dark streaks. It has white
Look For Harris’s sparrow is our largest sparrow (7 ½ inches in length), and its combination of a black face
Look For An adult golden-crowned sparrow has a golden crown stripe surrounded by black. Slightly larger than, but very similar
Golden-crowned Sparrow Read More »
Look For No other North American sparrow has the lark sparrow’s combination of a bold, colorful facial pattern and central
Look For The California towhee is a large and plainly marked ground-sparrow. It is about 9 inches in length. It
Look For This bird is 8 ¾ inches in length. The canyon towhee has a faint rusty cap, is slightly
Look For The spotted towhee’s wings and back of both male and female are spotted with white. They are longer
Look For Lincoln’s sparrow is often considered one of the more elusive North American birds because of its usually solitary
Look For The field sparrow is a small bird (5 ¾ inches long) with a biggish bill and long tail,
Look For A breeding adult has a dark crown, white eye-stripe, and a subtle dark mustache. Interestingly, it is very
Clay-colored Sparrow Read More »
Look for Formerly called the rufous-sided towhee (a much more descriptive name), this large (81/2 inches long) sparrow is boldly patterned