Bird Conservation

An aerial view of the Amazonian rain forest. Photo by Neil Palmer / Wikimedia.

Rediscovery: The Golden-crowned Manakin

In terms of biodiversity, no other wilderness area can compete with the Amazonian Rainforest. Amazonia is the vast region of intricate rainforest found in northern South America. The forests surround the great drainage basins of the Rio Amazonas and its tributaries. Historically, boats traveled the natural “highways” of waterways through the rainforest. Large areas of […]

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Attwater's Prairie Chicken, related to the now extinct Heath hen, is a highly endangered subspecies. Photo by G. Lavendowski / USFWS / Wikimedia.

The Fennessey Ranch, TX: A Private Land Conservation Success Story

Several years ago, I was asked to testify before Congress on private conservation success stories. Among the examples cited at the hearing were Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Sebastiani Wineries, and Skeet Burris’s South Carolina tree farm. The truth is, many landowners see an economic benefit in preserving and enhancing the habitat on their properties instead of

The Fennessey Ranch, TX: A Private Land Conservation Success Story Read More »

Migratory birds need your help! Photo by Bill Thompson, III

Help for Migratory Birds: The Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation [Duck] Stamp

In addition to waterfowl (ducks, geese, and swans), many other birds have benefited directly from stamp revenues. Among them are waterbirds (like western grebe, least bittern, yellow rail, and black tern), shorebirds (black-necked stilt, American avocet, whimbrel, red knot, and Wilson’s phalarope), raptors (swallow-tailed kite, Swainson’s hawk, and golden eagle), and wetland-associated songbirds (vermilion flycatcher,

Help for Migratory Birds: The Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation [Duck] Stamp Read More »